- Silver-Fagan Alex
- AA.VV.
- Agostino Samuel
- Albini Ester
- Allegri Sara
- Altman Peggy
- Andrea Neyroz
- Antonucci Lauren A.
- Barbi Moreno
- Barbieri Davide
- Bargossi Alberto Mario
- Bazzani Boris
- Bean Anita
- Benson Roy
- Bertuccioli Alexander
- Bianco Antonino
- Bordoni Bruno
- Bradley John
- Brandon Leigh
- Brescia Teodoro
- Broussal-Derval Aurélien
- Bruscia Guido
- Burt Phil
- Cánovas Linares Ricardo
- Calle Flauto
- Caloro Rocco
- Camporese Alessandro
- Caserta Roberto
- Cassarino Salvatore Antonio
- Cereda Ferdinando
- Ceriani Marco
- Cianti Giovanni
- Clifford Ross
- Confalonieri Francesco
- Connolly Declan
- Corno Claudio
- Coulson Morc
- Cuni Federica
- Dameli Massimo
- Dan Austin
- Daniels Jack
- De Bartolomeo Donato
- Deborah Carone
- Di Monte Marco
- Diamantini Simone
- Dieguez Papì Julio
- Dott.ssa Nadia Volf
- Dragoni Graziella
- Ellsworth Abby
- Facchinetti Paolo
- Fagioli Fabrizio
- Faverzani Alfredo
- Federico Fignagnani
- Fiorin Daniele
- Fumarola Martino
- Furia Fabrizia
- Furlan Andrea
- Galloway Jeff
- Goater Julian
- Gollin Massimiliano
- Gollinucci Emanuele
- Gordon-Mallin Erica
- Graci Marco
- Guzman Daniel
- Guzman Ruben
- Hahn Michael
- Hedrick Allen
- Herdman Alan
- Hilditch Graeme
- Hopker James e Jobson Simon
- Horschig Aaron
- Iacopo Casadei
- Iannucci Alessandro
- Iogna Michele
- Iovieno Luca
- Jason Brown
- Jurasin Alexandra
- Kalym Ashley
- Kan Mark
- Keane Brian
- Kemmler Jürgen
- Koch Urs Manfred
- Kolbing Alexander
- Lai Federico
- Laurita Jennifer
- Liebman Hollis Lance
- Lo Bianco Simonetta
- Lolletti Luca
- Madonia Alessandro
- Magi Simone
- Mann Bryan
- Manocchia Pat
- Marcello Vicini
- Marchetti Mauro
- Marco Mazzesi
- Marongiu Gianpiero
- Matthews Michael
- Maurone Stefano
- McCabe Delia
- McGuigan Mike
- Melvin Don
- Memmo Fabio
- MieBner Wolfgang
- Morán Esquerdo Óscar
- Morc Coulson
- Neri Marco
- Neumann Hannes
- Nicoletta Tozzi
- Nottingham Suzanne
- Paoli Antonio
- Perticari Francesco
- Phelan Thomas W.
- Posabella Giovanni
- Pozzi Andrea
- Purcell Lisa
- Ragnar Rémi
- Ramsay Craig
- Ressa Maurizio
- Roca Stefano
- Schoenfeld Brad
- Scholl Peter
- Seeger Fabian
- Seijas Guillermo
- Senati Silvia
- Simone Fabrizio
- Sonthana Kevin
- Spilio Katerina
- Stecchi Alfredo
- Striano Philip
- Tarullo Roberto
- Timón Vicky
- Todea Noe
- Torri Barbara
- Trabucchi Pietro
- Van Dijk Hans
- Van Megen Ron
- Vedana Fabio
- Venuto Tom
- Vino Giuseppe
- Vorderman Carol
- Vroemen Guido
- Waterbury Chad
- Waters Paul
- Williamson Lexie
- Wissel Hal
- Young Megan
- Zanon Daniela

La verità sull'allenamento funzionale
"The truth about functional training"
Language: Italian
From the author of the bestseller “Allenamento Funzionale" (Functional Training), a new unmissable manual that promises to become the true Bible of functional training. The ABC of the training method that is revolutionizing the world of gyms, directly from the pen of those who created it in Italy. This book will answer a lot of frequent questions about the theme with scientific studies. Also, with detailed descriptions and black and white images, here you will find everything on the subject:
- scientific concepts
- open dialogue with critics
- basics of programming
- review of the main joint systems
- preparatory and basics
- teaching: how to teach and transmit the exercises
- progressions and regressions
- clearly illustrated exercises and discussion on them
- training schedules
Take a look at the preview in the section "Allegati"