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> Training > Allenare le capacità motorie residue
Allenare le capacità motorie residue

Allenare le capacità motorie residue

"Residual motor functions training"

Pubblicato: 08-2020
ISBN: 9788898574650
Pagine: 306
Formato: 16,5 x 23,5 cm
Peso: 0.5 Kg
Prezzo: 24,00 € VAT included
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Language: Italian


In case of pathologies causing structural alterations in muscles, tendons, joints or neurons, the individual modifies over time his/her possibilities of movement, not only for complex actions but also for the simplest ones. This gradual loss of motor efficiency forces the individual to find new solutions for well-being.

This book highlights the important relationship between these kind of problems and the importance of the constant solicitation of the available physical abilities through Adapted Physical Activity.

Combining theory, practice, research and self-assessment tests, this book is addressed to fitness and rehabilitation professionals and students, with the aim to draw attention to a theme which is becoming more and more cherished nationally and internationally.

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